2020 Photos and Videos
Summit Photos





Professional Headshots
View professional headshots.
General Session Videos
Day One - Monday
Welcome Remarks | Stephen Roe Lewis, Governor, Gila River Indian Community
Keynote | James Anderson, Native America's Success Speaker
Blessing | Urban Giff
Luncheon Remarks | Chris James, President and CEO, NCAIED and Derrick Watchman, Chairman, Board of Directors, NCAIED
Cheryl Crazy Bull, President & CEO, American Indian College Fund
Day Two - Tuesday
Honor Guard
Opening Welcome Remarks | Derrick Watchman, Chairman, Board of Directors, NCAIED
Welcome & Opening Remarks | Chris James, President and CEO, NCAIED
Cabinet Remarks | The Honorable Jovita Carranza, 26th Administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration
Remarks | Henry Childs II, National Director, Minority Business Development Agency, U.S. Department of Commerce
Remarks: IllumiNative | Crystal Echo Hawk, Executive Director, IllumiNative
Keynote: Building Bridges of Opportunity | Martin Sensmeier, Actor & Producer
Welcome Remarks | Richard G. Sneed, 28th Principal Chief, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
Welcome Remarks | Dawson Her Many Horses, Senior Vice President and Native American Business Leader, Commercial Banking, Wells Fargo
Remarks | Jonodev O. Chaudhuri, Former Chairman of the National Indian Gaming Commission and Partner, Quarles & Brady LLP
Remarks | Stephen Buffalo, President and Chief Executive Officer, Indian Resource Council (IRC)
Data Deserts, Research and Policy Change in Indian Country | Casey Winn Lozar, Vice President and Director, Center for Indian Country Development, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Luncheon Closing Remarks
Award | American Indian Leadership Award
Award | Tribal Gaming Visionary Award
Native Art Segment
Day Three - Wednesday
Award | Tim Wapato Public Advocate of the Year Award
Luncheon Welcome and Blessing
Luncheon Welcome Remarks & Master of Ceremony | Lilian Sparks Robinson, Owner and CEO, Wopila Consulting, LLC and Board Member & Treasurer, NCAIED
Luncheon Welcome Remarks | The Honorable Jeannie Hovland, Commissioner, Administration for Native Americans (ANA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
8th Generation Presentation
Day Four - Thursday
Luncheon Blessing
Luncheon Remarks | Richard Jefferies, Chair, Te Ohu Whai Ao Trust
Luncheon Remarks | The Honorable James E. Campos, Director, Office of Economic Impact and Diversity, U.S. Department of Energy
Corporate Advocate of the Year Award | Holland & Knight, Award Recipient
American Indian Business of the Year Award | Navajo Transitional Energy Company (NTEC), Award Recipient
RES 2020 Closing Remarks | Chris James, President and CEO, NCAIED
Event Coverage Videos
Sunday/Monday Recap
Tuesday Recap
Wednesday Recap
RES 2021
Native American Bank
The Kodiak Brown Bear Center
Interviews with Congressional Representatives
NCAIED A Year in Review
Native Edge Institute San Diego
Native Edge Institute Washington, D.C.
RES Pitch
Tocabe, An American Indian Eatery
NCAIED 2019 Forty Under Forty Award Celebration
Youth Business Plan